Saturday, September 27, 2008
7:02:00 PM
26th Sept...
it is just another fri...
had then usual lesson...
but those lesson were getting more & more stressful by the day...
as it is getting nearer & nearer to 'N' lvls...
actually it is the continue of the exams...
today is also the start of the other lvls examination...
thus the my hmroom is changed...
also dont know why either...
chi teacher came in...
& passed us 4 booklets...
we all were lyk...
omg chi again...
during assembly, we had chem...
then aft chem, we spend time on phy...
then came geo...
at the end of geo lesson...
mr pang prayed for us...
thxs mr pang...
he also wished us all the best...
aft recess...
actually is PE...
but mr pang came in...
then all of us...
were lyk haizzz...
no soccer le...
well its examination period mah...
therefore we stayed in the class for the whole period...
but had lots of fun during the period...
aft tt actually had a.maths lesson...
but we agree to cancelled it...
we all went home...
but julio & i had a hard time going home...
we had some classmates...
actually they want to go julio's hse...
& i dont know why im involved too...
but luckily we were free...
then went home...
spend some time playing games with davin,julio & louis...
well tts all for the day...
2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+1 days are so far away...
‘N' lvls is on Mon...
5 weeks...